Is Microdermabrasion suitable for any skin type?
Microdermabrasion Toronto is an exfoliation treatment that supports acne treatments as well antiaging treatments as it removes the topmost layer of skin, leaving it more supple and vibrant. At Clarity Medspa we use the DiamondTome™ system which is gentle and yet, thorough. Diamond chips bonded to the tip of the wand loosen debris, while gentle vacuuming draws away the dead cells in a controlled manner.
Removing this outer layer through micro-dermabrasion Toronto leaves a smoother texture and promotes the growth of healthy, new skin. Combined with Isolaz™ for Acne, MicroNeedling for scars, or Photo Facials for Pigmentations, “Micro” will produce results that are truly noticeable.
What are the Benefits of Microdermabrasion?
- Brightens sun-damaged skin.
- Supports acne-prone skin.
- Brightens dull skin.
- Improves rough skin on arms (Keratosis Pilaris on upper arms and shoulders).
- Reduces superficial pigmentation.
- Minimizes blotchy skin coloring, acne, and superficial scars from past injury.
- Helps extract blackheads and whiteheads.
- Cleans pores.
- Helps soften the appearance of new stretch marks.
- Can be done on your lunch break!
- Suits all skin types for all ages.
While Microdermabrasion is popular for mature skin, younger skin that shows signs of sun damage or hyperpigmentation from pregnancy hormones are thrilled with the results they receive. Because microdermabrasion removes debris from the skin’s surface, products such as Lumixyl™ for Melasma and hyper-pigmentation are better absorbed, making them more effective.
What to expect after microdermabrasion treatment:
Treatment of the whole face takes about 30 minutes. There is no pain and the area treated may be slightly pink; however, with light foundation or tinted moisture, most clients can resume activities immediately. For smooth skin, a little microdermabrasion goes a long way as sloughing the uppermost layer reveals a fresher, younger face. Regular sessions are perfect for keeping superficial lines to a minimum and clients are pleased at how much better their products are able to penetrate after a session.
Individuals considering microdermabrasion may also benefit from MicroNeedling, Pixel™ or Fraxel™ skin resurfacing.
At Clarity Medspa, we’ll discuss with you the best approaches for your individual needs. We provide our services in a relaxing and professional environment. You will receive treatment from conscientious and caring clinicians, and your safety is of the utmost importance. We’ll continue to assess your progress as you move through the process, answer your questions and ensure your comfort. If microdermabrasion from Toronto physicians and nurses is something you seek, call us today for your free consultation.
What is the cost of microdermabrasion?