Helpful Tips to Improve Hangover Face!
What is hangover face?
Let’s be clear, “hangover face” is not a real condition, rather a term created at Clarity Medspa in Toronto used to describe one’s skin the morning after a night of indulgences, lack of sleep, long flights or undue stress. Indulgences can include too much alcohol, too much sugar, too much sun or poor food choices. Regardless the end result is the same in that the skin is not at its optimal best. Presenting differently from one individual to the next, hangover face is synonymous with fatigued skin that can appear as:
- puffy eyes.
- dark circles around the eyes.
- dry, wrinkly skin.
- redness or blotchiness.
- fine “sand wash” like wrinkles on the cheeks.
- poor colour or lack lustre skin.
What can I do to prevent hangover face…What if I wake up with skin that looks fatigued?
Chantal Ward, RN and co-owner of Clarity preaches best defence is always prevention. In theory, prevention is great however, we all know there are times that life’s pleasures can sneak up on us without warning. When this happens, it is prudent to go into “fix mode”, immediately.
- Upon arriving home, drink lots of water. When you wake up, drink more water.
- Dr. Marnie Luck, ND suggests adding lemon to help reset what happened the day or night before.
- Dr Luck, ND also encourages the use of a high-quality fish oil concentrated in omega-3 to help combat inflammation of any kind.
- Keep electrolytes on hand for “emergency” situations…drinking half before you go to bed and the other half in the morning.
- Before going to bed, wash your face of all makeup and liberally apply moisturizer….nothing stresses the skin like day-old makeup.
- Approach the next day with new intentions. Cut back or eliminate alcohol, sweets, bread, refined sugar for 24-48 hours. Your skin will thank you.
- For those prone to dark circles around the eyes, compresses with cool, wet tea bags can help reduce eye puffiness.
- If you are planning a long flight, move your water consumption up days ahead of departure to ensure you are hydrated at a cellular level. Avoid makeup so that you can re-apply moisture mid-flight.
Are there treatments that can help with fatigued, lacklustre skin?
At home, exfoliation to stimulate circulation followed by a hydration mask can be helpful. That said, use products that are gentle and well tolerated by your skin.
For those who prefer the hands of a skin professional, clients at Clarity Medspa & Laser Centre trust a WishPRO infusion treatment. Relaxing and non-invasive WishPRO™ combines Magnetic Infusion Technology with infused serums for visible results that are long lasting. Especially popular are WishPRO™ facials that incorporate controlled lymphatic tapping for facial lymph drainage that reduces puffiness and tightens elastin.
Nourish the Eyes:
Nothing betrays a big night out quite like bloodshot eyes framed by dark circles.
Voted “InStyle Best Beauty Buys” eye cream of choice, a Clarity Medspa favourite is Neocutis™ Lumiere Biorestorative Eye Repair. Using PSP™, a patented ingredient discovered through extensive research in wound healing, along with ingredients that safeguard delicate eye tissue from environmental aggression, it is no wonder this product is a winner. Caffeine helps alleviate puffiness, wild yam minimizes sagging & wrinkles, and PSP™ provides collagen-nourishing building blocks.
Neocutis™ Lumiere is Ophthalmologist and Dermatologist tested.
Free of color additives and fragrances • Not tested on animals.